+48 514 225 760
Projektantka i wykładowczyni na kierunku design w Instytucie Sztuki i Designu na Uniwersytecie Pedagogicznym w Krakowie, gdzie prowadzi zajęcia z Podstaw Projektowania Uniwersalnego i Projektowania Produktu. Współtworzyła Laboratorium Dostępności w Katedrze Designu.
Współpracuje z Design School Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics w Chinach i Uniwersytetem Dzieci, gdzie naucza projektowania.
Dwukrotna finalistka konkursu make me i must have na ŁódźDesign Festival. Laureatka nagrody Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego. Jej projekty były pokazywane na wystawach o designie w Krakowie, Łodzi, Kolonii, Kopenhadze, Helsinkach, Wiedniu, Bratysławie i Pradze.
Designer of products, researcher and academic teacher.
Graduated from the Department of Industrial Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków. She has taken part in scholarship program at the Academy of fine Arts and Design in Bratislav (VSVU). Winner of numerous competitions and prizes, among others - the Minister of Culture and National Heritage prize, creative scholarship of Kraków, as well as scholarship of Lesser Poland's Foundation Sapere Auso. Two-time finalist of international design competition "make me!".
Since 2014, a tutor of the Design Institute at the University of Pedagogy in Kraków. She cooperates with Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics in China (School of Art and Design), where she taught product design.
She is eager to take part in interdisciplinary projects, also those involving children and the disabled. She cooperates with institutions which need design intervention.
Her projects have been shown at local and international exhibitions, e.g. in Kraków, Łódź, Cologne, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Vienna, Bratislava, Zhengzhou (China), and Prague.